
one of the documented procedures in this installation of the ACS
What it does:
This returns a role and the corresponding default actions. This procedure is used to initialize the roles and actions for a new class. So, each internal list has the first element of a role and the second element is a list of actions the role should start out with.
Defined in: /web/philip/tcl/education.tcl

Source code:

    set to_return [list [list [edu_get_professor_role_string] [list "Manage Users" "Add Tasks" "Edit Tasks" "Delete Tasks" "Edit Class Properties" "Manage Communications" "Edit Permissions" "View Admin Pages" "Evaluate" "Spam Users" "Submit Tasks"]]]

    lappend to_return [list [edu_get_ta_role_string] [list "Manage Users" "Add Tasks" "Edit Tasks" "Delete Tasks" "Edit Class Properties" "Manage Communications" "View Admin Pages" "Evaluate" "Spam Users" "Submit Tasks"]]

    lappend to_return [list [edu_get_student_role_string] [list "Spam Users" "Submit Tasks"]]

    lappend to_return [list [edu_get_dropped_role_string] [list]]

    return $to_return