ec_user_class_display db user_id { link_p "f" }What it does:
Displays a comma seperated list of the users user classes with a comment on its approval status if approval is required. If link_p is true, then a link is displayed to the admin/ecommerce/user-classes/ page for changing the approval status.Defined in: /web/philip/tcl/ecommerce-defs.tcl
Source code:
set to_return [list] set selection [ns_db select $db "select c.user_class_name, m.user_class_approved_p, c.user_class_id from ec_user_classes c, ec_user_class_user_map m where m.user_class_id = c.user_class_id and m.user_id=$user_id order by c.user_class_id"] while { [ns_db getrow $db $selection] } { set_variables_after_query if { [string compare $link_p "f"] != 0 } { set to_append "<a href=\"/admin/ecommerce/user-classes/members?user_class_id=$user_class_id\">$user_class_name</a>" } else { set to_append "$user_class_name" } if { [ad_parameter UserClassApproveP ecommerce] } { append to_append " <font size=-1>([ec_decode $user_class_approved_p "t" "approved" "unapproved"])</font>" } lappend to_return $to_append } return [join $to_return ", "]