
one of the documented procedures in this installation of the ACS
ec_creditcard_expire_2_widget   { default "" }
What it does:
Gives the HTML for the Expiration Date Year select list.
Defined in: /web/philip/tcl/ecommerce-widgets.tcl

Source code:

    set header "<select name=creditcard_expire_2>\n"
    set footer "</select>\n"
    set defaulted_flag 0
    foreach option_spec [list [list "99" 1999] [list "00" 2000] [list "01" 2001] [list "02" 2002] [list "03" 2003] [list "04" 2004] [list "05" 2005] [list "06" 2006] [list "07" 2007] [list "08" 2008] ] {
	set size_for_db [lindex $option_spec 0]
	set size [lindex $option_spec 1]
	if { [string compare $size $default] == 0 || [string compare $size_for_db $default] == 0 } {
	    append options "<option value=\"$size_for_db\" SELECTED>$size\n"
	    set defaulted_flag 1
	} else {
	    append options "<option value=\"$size_for_db\">$size\n"
    if $defaulted_flag {
	return "$header$options$footer"
    } else {
	return "${header}<option value=\"\" SELECTED>select\n$options$footer"