
one of the documented procedures in this installation of the ACS
bulkmail_base64_decode   string
What it does:
Decode a base64-encoded string
Defined in: /web/philip/tcl/bulkmail-base64.tcl

Source code:

    ns_share bulkmail_base64

    set output {}
    set group 0
    set j 18
    foreach char [split $string {}] {
	if [string compare $char "="] {
	    set bits $bulkmail_base64($char)
	    set group [expr {$group | ($bits << $j)}]

	if {[incr j -6] < 0} {
		scan [format %06x $group]] %2x%2x%2x a b c
		append output [format %c%c%c $a $b $c]
		set group 0
		set j 18
    return $output
