bboard_user_contributions db user_id purposeWhat it does:
Returns list items, one for each bboard postingDefined in: /web/philip/tcl/bboard-defs.tcl
Source code:
if { $purpose == "site_admin" } { set restriction_clause "" } else { set restriction_clause "\nand (bboard_topics.read_access in ('any', 'public'))\n" } set selection [ns_db select $db "select one_line, msg_id, posting_time, sort_key, bboard_topics.topic, presentation_type from bboard, bboard_topics where bboard.user_id = $user_id and bboard.topic_id = bboard_topics.topic_id $restriction_clause order by posting_time asc"] set bboard_items "" while { [ns_db getrow $db $selection] } { set_variables_after_query if { [string first "." $sort_key] == -1 } { # there is no period in the sort key so this is the start of a thread set thread_start_msg_id $sort_key } else { # strip off the stuff before the period regexp {(.*)\..*} $sort_key match thread_start_msg_id } append bboard_items "<li>[util_AnsiDatetoPrettyDate $posting_time]: <a href=\"/bboard/[bboard_msg_url $presentation_type $thread_start_msg_id $topic]\">$one_line</a>\n" } if [empty_string_p $bboard_items] { return [list] } else { return [list 0 "/bboard postings" "<ul>\n\n$bboard_items\n\n</ul>"] }