bannerideas_present idea_id intro more_url picture_htmlWhat it does:
Produce an HTML presentation of a banner idea, with appropriate links.Defined in: /web/philip/tcl/ad-bannerideas.tcl
Source code:
# let's treat the picture_html so that it will always align left regsub -nocase {align=[^ ]+} $picture_html "" without_align regsub -nocase {hspace=[^ ]+} $without_align "" without_hspace regsub -nocase {<img} $without_hspace {<img align=left border=0 hspace=8} final_photo_html return "<table bgcolor=#EEEEEE width=80% cellspacing=5 cellpadding=5> <tr> <td><font size=2 face=\"verdana, arial, helvetica\"> $final_photo_html $intro ... <br> <center> <a href=\"/bannerideas/more?[export_url_vars idea_id more_url]\">(more)</a> </center> </font> </td> </tr> </table> "