apm_read_package_info_file pathWhat it does:
Reads a .info file, returning an array containing the following items:Defined in: /web/philip/packages/acs-core/apm-procs.tclThis routine will typically be called like so:
: a path to the file readmtime
: the mtime of the file readprovides
: lists of dependency information, containing elements of the form[list $url $version]
: a list of owners containing elements of the form[list $url $name]
: a list of files in the package, containing elements of the form[list $path $type]
: a list of included packages- Element and attribute values directly from the XML specification:
(the version name, e.g.,3.3a1
(the version URL),package-name
, anddescription.format
.to populate thearray set version_properties [apm_read_package_info_file $path]version_properties
array.If the .info file cannot be read or parsed, this routine throws a descriptive error.
Source code:
global ad_conn # If the .info file hasn't changed since last read (i.e., has the same # mtime), return the cached info list. set mtime [file mtime $path] if { [nsv_exists apm_version_properties $path] } { set cached_version [nsv_get apm_version_properties $path] if { [lindex $cached_version 0] == $mtime } { return [lindex $cached_version 1] } } # Set the path and mtime in the array. set properties(path) $path set properties(mtime) $mtime apm_load_xml_packages ns_log "Notice" "Reading specification file at $path" set file [open $path] set xml_data [read $file] close $file set tree [dom::DOMImplementation parse $xml_data] set package [dom::node cget $tree -firstChild] if { ![string equal [dom::node cget $package -nodeName] "package"] } { error "Expected <package> as root node" } set properties(package.key) [apm_required_attribute_value $package key] set properties(package.url) [apm_required_attribute_value $package url] set versions [dom::element getElementsByTagName $package version] if { [llength $versions] != 1 } { error "Package must contain exactly one <version> node" } set version [lindex $versions 0] set properties(name) [apm_required_attribute_value $version name] set properties(url) [apm_required_attribute_value $version url] # Set an entry in the properties array for each of these tags. foreach property_name { package-name option summary description distribution release-date vendor group } { set node [lindex [dom::element getElementsByTagName $version $property_name] 0] if { ![empty_string_p $node] } { set properties($property_name) [dom::node cget [dom::node cget $node -firstChild] -nodeValue] } else { set properties($property_name) "" } } # Set an entry in the properties array for each of these attributes: # # <vendor url="..."> -> vendor.url # <description format="..."> -> description.format foreach { property_name attribute_name } { vendor url description format } { set node [lindex [dom::element getElementsByTagName $version $property_name] 0] if { ![empty_string_p $node] } { set properties($property_name.$attribute_name) [dom::element getAttribute $node $attribute_name] } else { set properties($property_name.$attribute_name) "" } } # We're done constructing the properties array - save the properties into the # moby array which we're going to return. set properties(properties) [array get properties] # Build lists of the services provided by and required by the package. set properties(provides) [list] set properties(requires) [list] foreach dependency_type { provides requires } { foreach node [dom::element getElementsByTagName $version $dependency_type] { set service_url [apm_required_attribute_value $node url] set service_version [apm_required_attribute_value $node version] lappend properties($dependency_type) [list $service_url $service_version] } } # Build a list of the files contained in the package. set properties(files) [list] foreach node [dom::element getElementsByTagName $version "files"] { foreach file_node [dom::element getElementsByTagName $node "file"] { set file_path [apm_required_attribute_value $file_node path] set type [dom::element getAttribute $file_node type] # Validate the file type: it must be null (unknown type) or # some value in [apm_file_type_keys]. if { ![empty_string_p $type] && [lsearch -exact [apm_file_type_keys] $type] < 0 } { error "Invalid file type \"$type\"" } lappend properties(files) [list $file_path $type] } } # Build a list of the package's owners (if any). set properties(owners) [list] foreach node [dom::element getElementsByTagName $version "owner"] { set url [dom::element getAttribute $node url] set name [dom::node cget [dom::node cget $node -firstChild] -nodeValue] lappend properties(owners) [list $url $name] } # Build a list of the packages included by this package (if any). set properties(includes) [list] foreach node [dom::element getElementsByTagName $version "include"] { lappend properties(includes) [dom::element getAttribute $node url] } # Serialize the array into a list. set return_value [array get properties] # Cache the property info based on $mtime. nsv_set apm_version_properties $path [list $mtime $return_value] return $return_value