ad_user_contact_info db user_id { user_class "public" }What it does:
Returns an HTML fragment of an appropriate amount of contact info for a user, depending on the user's privacy settings and who is logged inDefined in: /web/philip/tcl/ad-user.tcl
Source code:
if [catch { set selection [ns_db 1row $db "select * from users_contact where user_id = $user_id"] } ] { # probably this is an ACS where the table isn't defined return "" } else { # table exists and this user has an entry set_variables_after_query set contact_items "" for {set i 0} {$i<[ns_set size $selection]} {incr i} { set varname [ns_set key $selection $i] set varvalue [ns_set value $selection $i] if { ![empty_string_p $varvalue] && [ad_user_contact_info_display_var_p $varname] } { if { $user_class != "site_admin" } { # let's look for a priv_ value if { ![info exists "priv_$varname"] || [empty_string_p [set "priv_$varname"]] } { # don't find a control, assume it is private continue } else { # there is a privacy value if { [set "priv_$varname"] > [ad_privacy_threshold] } { # user wants more privacy than currently connected user warrants continue } } } append contact_items "<li>$varname: $varvalue\n" } } if ![empty_string_p $contact_items] { return "<ul>\n\n$contact_items\n\n</ul>\n" } else { return "" } }