
one of the documented procedures in this installation of the ACS
ad_table { -Torder_target_url {} -Torderby {} -Tmissing_text "<em>No data found.</em>" -Tsuffix {} -Tcolumns {} -Taudit {} -Trows_per_band 1 -Tband_colors {{} {\"\#ececec\"}} -Trows_per_page 0 -Tmax_rows 0 -Ttable_extra_html {} -Theader_row_extra {bgcolor=\"\#f8f8f8\"} -Ttable_break_html "<p>" -Tpre_row_code {} -Trow_code {\[subst \$Trow_default\]} -Tpost_data_ns_sets {} -Textra_vars {} } Tdb selection Tdatadef
What it does:
Note: all the variables in this function are named Tblah (except selection for the obvious reasons) since otherwise we cannot safely call set_variables_from_query since we could potentially have namespace collisions

build and return an html fragment given an active query and a data definition.

Datadef structure :
        {column_id "Column_Heading" order_clause display_info}
Defined in: /web/philip/packages/acs-core/table-display-procs.tcl

Source code:

arg_parser_for_ad_table $args

    set Tcount 0
    set Tband_count 0
    set Tpage_count 0
    set Tband_color 0
    set Tn_bands [llength $Tband_colors]
    set Tform [ns_conn form]

    # export variables from calling environment
    if {![empty_string_p $Textra_vars]} {
        foreach Tvar $Textra_vars {
            upvar $Tvar $Tvar

    # get the current ordering information
    set Torderbykey {::not_sorted::}
    set Treverse {}
    regexp {^([^*,]+)([*])?} $Torderby match Torderbykey Treverse
    if {$Treverse == "*"} {
        set Torder desc
    } else { 
        set Torder asc
    # set up the target url for new sorts
    if {[empty_string_p $Torder_target_url]} {
        set Torder_target_url [ns_conn url]
    set Texport "[uplevel [list export_ns_set_vars url [list orderby$Tsuffix]]]&"
    if {$Texport == "&"} {
        set Texport {}
    set Tsort_url "$Torder_target_url?${Texport}orderby$Tsuffix="

    set Thtml {}
    set Theader {}

    # build the list of columns to display...
    set Tcolumn_list [ad_table_column_list $Tdatadef $Tcolumns]
    # generate the header code 
    append Theader "<table $Ttable_extra_html>\n"
    if {[empty_string_p $Theader_row_extra]} {
        append Theader "<tr>\n"
    } else {
        append Theader "<tr $Theader_row_extra>\n"
    foreach Ti $Tcolumn_list {
        set Tcol [lindex $Tdatadef $Ti]
        if { ( [ns_set find $selection [lindex $Tcol 0]] < 0
               && [empty_string_p [lindex $Tcol 2]] )
             || [string compare [lindex $Tcol 2] no_sort] == 0
         } {
            # not either a column in the select or has sort code
            # then just a plain text header so do not do sorty things
            append Theader " <th>[lindex $Tcol 1]</th>\n"
        } else {
            if {[string compare [lindex $Tcol 0] $Torderbykey] == 0} {
                if {$Torder == "desc"} {
                    set Tasord "^"
                } else {
                    set Tasord "v"
            } else {
                set Tasord {}
            append Theader " <th><a href=\"$Tsort_url[ns_urlencode [ad_new_sort_by [lindex $Tcol 0] $Torderby]]\">\n"
            append Theader "[lindex $Tcol 1]</a>&nbsp;$Tasord</th>\n"
    append Theader "</tr>\n"

    # This has gotten kind of ugly.  Here we are looping over the 
    # rows returned and then potentially a list of ns_sets which can 
    # be passed in (grrr.  Richard Li needs for general protections stuff
    # for "fake" public record which does not exist in DB).
    set Tpost_data 0

    while { 1 } { 
        if {!$Tpost_data && [ns_db getrow $Tdb $selection]} {     
            # in all its evil majesty
        } else { 
            # move on to fake rows...
            incr Tpost_data

        if { $Tpost_data && $Tpost_data <= [llength $Tpost_data_ns_sets] } { 
            # bind the Tpost_data_ns_sets row of the passed in data
            set_variables_after_query_not_selection [lindex $Tpost_data_ns_sets [expr $Tpost_data - 1]]
        } elseif { $Tpost_data } { 
            # past the end of the fake data drop out.

        if { $Tmax_rows && $Tcount >= $Tmax_rows } {
            if { ! $Tpost_data } { 
                # we hit max count and had rows left to read...
                ns_db flush $Tdb
        # deal with putting in the header if need 
        if { $Tcount == 0 } {
            append Thtml "$Theader"
        } elseif { $Tpage_count == 0 }  { 
            append Thtml "</table>\n$Ttable_break_html\n$Theader"

        # first check if we are in audit mode and if the audit columns have changed
        set Tdisplay_changes_only 0
        if {![empty_string_p $Taudit] && $Tcount > 0} { 
            # check if the audit key columns changed 
            foreach Taudit_key $Taudit { 
                if {[string compare [set $Taudit_key] [set P$Taudit_key]] == 0} { 
                    set Tdisplay_changes_only 1

        # this is for breaking on sorted field etc.
        append Thtml [subst $Tpre_row_code]

        if { ! $Tdisplay_changes_only } {
            # in audit mode a record spans multiple rows.
            incr Tcount
            incr Tband_count
        incr Tpage_count

        if { $Trows_per_page && $Tpage_count >= $Trows_per_page } { 
            set Tband_color 0
            set Tband_count 0
            set Tpage_count 0


        # generate the row band color 
        if { $Tn_bands } {
            if { $Tband_count >= $Trows_per_band } {
                set Tband_count 0
                set Tband_color [expr ($Tband_color + 1) % $Tn_bands ]
            # do this check since we would like the ability to band with
            # page background as well
            if {[empty_string_p [lindex $Tband_colors $Tband_color]]} {
                set Trow_default "<tr>\n"
            } else {
                set Trow_default "<tr bgcolor=[lindex $Tband_colors $Tband_color]>\n"
        } else { 
            set Trow_default "<tr>\n"
        append Thtml [subst $Trow_code]
        foreach Ti $Tcolumn_list {
            set Tcol [lindex $Tdatadef $Ti]
            # If we got some special formatting code we handle it
            # single characters r l c are special for alignment 
            set Tformat [lindex $Tcol 3]
            set Tcolumn [lindex $Tcol 0]
            switch $Tformat {
                "" {set Tdisplay_field " <td>[set $Tcolumn]</td>\n"}
                r {set Tdisplay_field " <td align=right>[set $Tcolumn]</td>\n"}
                l {set Tdisplay_field " <td align=left>[set $Tcolumn]</td>\n"}
                c {set Tdisplay_field " <td align=center>[set $Tcolumn]</td>\n"}
                tf {set Tdisplay_field " <td align=center>[util_PrettyBoolean [set $Tcolumn]]</td>\n"}
                01 {set Tdisplay_field " <td align=center>[util_PrettyTclBoolean [set $Tcolumn]]</td>\n"}
                bz {set Tdisplay_field " <td align=right>&nbsp;[blank_zero [set $Tcolumn]]</td>\n"}
                default {set Tdisplay_field " [subst $Tformat]\n"}

            if { $Tdisplay_changes_only 
                 && [string compare $Tdisplay_field $Tlast_display($Ti)] == 0} { 
                set Tdisplay_field {<td>&nbsp;</td>}
            } else { 
                set Tlast_display($Ti) $Tdisplay_field
            append Thtml $Tdisplay_field

        append Thtml "</tr>\n"

        # keep the last row around so we can do fancy things.
        # so on next row we can say things like if $Pvar != $var not blank
        if { $Tpost_data && $Tpost_data <= [llength $Tpost_data_ns_sets] } { 
            # bind the Tpost_data_ns_sets row of the passed in data
            set_variables_after_query_not_selection [lindex $Tpost_data_ns_sets [expr $Tpost_data - 1]] P
        } else { 
            set_variables_after_query_not_selection $selection P

    if { $Tcount > 0} {
        append Thtml "</table>\n"
    } else { 
        append Thtml $Tmissing_text
    return $Thtml