ad_require_permission db user_id permission_type on_what_id on_which_table { return_url " " }What it does:
If the user is not logged in and the specified type of permission has not been granted to all users, then redirect for registration. If the user is logged in but does not have the specified permission type on the specified database row, then redirects to return_url
if supplied, or returns a "forbidden" error page.
Defined in: /web/philip/tcl/ad-general-permissions.tcl
Source code:
if { [string compare $user_id 0] == 0 } { set all_users_have_permission_p [database_to_tcl_string $db "select decode(ad_general_permissions.all_users_permission_id('$permission_type', '$on_what_id', '$on_which_table'), 0, 0, 1) from dual"] if { !$all_users_have_permission_p } { ns_db releasehandle $db ad_redirect_for_registration ad_script_abort } } elseif { ![ad_user_has_row_permission_p $db $user_id $permission_type $on_what_id $on_which_table] } { ns_db releasehandle $db if { ![empty_string_p $return_url] } { ad_returnredirect $return_url } else { ns_returnforbidden } ad_script_abort }