ad_redirect_for_registrationWhat it does:
Redirects user to /register/index to require the user to register. When registration is complete, the user will be returned to the current location. All variables in ns_getform (both posts and gets) will be maintained.Defined in: /web/philip/packages/acs-core/security-procs.tcl
Source code:
set form [ns_getform] set url_args "" # note that there is no built-in function that will change # posted variables to url variables, so we write our own if ![empty_string_p $form] { set form_size [ns_set size $form] set form_counter_i 0 while { $form_counter_i<$form_size } { if {[string compare $form_counter_i "0"] == 0} { append url_args "?" } else { append url_args "&" } append url_args "[ns_set key $form $form_counter_i]=[ns_urlencode [ns_set value $form $form_counter_i]]" incr form_counter_i } } ad_returnredirect "/register/?return_url=[ns_urlencode [ns_conn url]$url_args]" return