ad_pdm_spacer { menu_key " " } { db " " }What it does:
Returns html to precede the page content, leaving room for the pull-down menuDefined in: /web/philip/tcl/pull-down-menu-defs.tcl
Source code:
if [empty_string_p $db] { set db [ns_db gethandle subquery] set release_db_handle_p 1 } else { set release_db_handle_p 0 } if [empty_string_p $menu_key] { set constraint "where default_p = 't'" } else { set constraint "where menu_key = '$menu_key'" } set selection [ns_db 0or1row $db " select element_height, element_width, orientation from pdm_menus $constraint"] set_variables_after_query if {$orientation == "horizontal"} { set spacer "<img src=\"/graphics/graphing-package/transparent-dot.gif\" height=$element_height width=$element_width><br>" } else { set spacer "" } if { $release_db_handle_p == 1 } { ns_db releasehandle $db } return $spacer