ad_general_link_map_add db map_id link_id on_which_table on_what_id one_line_item_desc user_id ip_address approved_pWhat it does:
Inserts a link between a general link and a tableDefined in: /web/philip/tcl/ad-general-links.tcl
Source code:
# let's limit this to 200 chars so we don't blow out our column set complete_description '[DoubleApos [string range $one_line_item_desc 0 199]]' ns_db dml $db "insert into site_wide_link_map (map_id, link_id, on_which_table, on_what_id, one_line_item_desc, creation_user, creation_time, creation_ip_address, approved_p) values ($map_id, $link_id, '[DoubleApos $on_which_table]', $on_what_id, $complete_description, $user_id, sysdate, '[DoubleApos $ip_address]', '$approved_p')"