ad_general_comment_add db comment_id on_which_table on_what_id one_line_item_desc content user_id ip_address approved_p { html_p "f" } { one_line " " }What it does:
Inserts a comment into the general comment systemDefined in: /web/philip/tcl/ad-general-comments.tcl
Source code:
ad_scope_error_check # let's limit this to 200 chars so we don't blow out our column set complete_description '[DoubleApos [string range $one_line_item_desc 0 199]]' set sql " insert into general_comments (comment_id, on_what_id, user_id, on_which_table, one_line_item_desc, content, ip_address, comment_date, approved_p, html_p, one_line, [ad_scope_cols_sql]) values ($comment_id, $on_what_id, $user_id, '[DoubleApos $on_which_table]', $complete_description, empty_clob(), '[DoubleApos $ip_address]', sysdate, '$approved_p', '$html_p', [ns_dbquotevalue $one_line], [ad_scope_vals_sql]) returning content into :1" if [ad_parameter LogCLOBdmlP acs 0] { ns_log Notice "About to use $sql\n -- to put -- \n$content\n\n -- into the database -- \n" } ns_ora clob_dml $db $sql $content