ad_footer { signatory " " } { suppress_curriculum_bar_p "0" }What it does:
writes a horizontal rule, a mailto address box (ad_system_owner if not specified as an argument), and then closes the BODY and HTML tagsDefined in: /web/philip/packages/acs-core/defs-procs.tcl
Source code:
global sidegraphic_displayed_p if [empty_string_p $signatory] { set signatory [ad_system_owner] } if { [info exists sidegraphic_displayed_p] && $sidegraphic_displayed_p } { # we put in a BR CLEAR=RIGHT so that the signature will clear any side graphic # from the ad-sidegraphic.tcl package set extra_br "<br clear=right>" } else { set extra_br "" } if { [ad_parameter EnabledP curriculum 0] && [ad_parameter StickInFooterP curriculum 0] && !$suppress_curriculum_bar_p} { set curriculum_bar "<center>[curriculum_bar]</center>" } else { set curriculum_bar "" } if { [llength [info procs ds_link]] == 1 } { set ds_link [ds_link] } else { set ds_link "" } return " $extra_br $curriculum_bar <hr> $ds_link <a href=\"mailto:$signatory\"><address>$signatory</address></a> </body> </html>"