ad_decorate_sideWhat it does:
IF side graphics are enabled AND a graphics URL is spec'd for the current THEN this returns an IMG ALIGN=RIGHT with width and height tags. Otherwise return empty string.Defined in: /web/philip/tcl/ad-sidegraphics.tcl
Source code:
# we use a GLOBAL variable (shared by procs in a thread) as opposed to # an ns_share (shared by many threads) global sidegraphic_displayed_p if ![ad_parameter EnabledP sidegraphics 0] { return "" } # let's see if this URL even has a side graphic set graphic_url [ad_parameter [ns_conn url] sidegraphics] if [empty_string_p $graphic_url] { # no side graphic for this particular page return "" } # OK, the system is enabled and we've got a side graphic for this URL # we want to get WIDTH and HEIGHT tags set width_height_list [util_memoize "ad_image_size $graphic_url" 900] if ![empty_string_p $width_height_list] { set width [lindex $width_height_list 0] set height [lindex $width_height_list 1] set extra_tags "width=$width height=$height hspace=10 vspace=10" } else { set extra_tags "" } set sidegraphic_displayed_p 1 return "<img align=right $extra_tags hspace=20 src=\"$graphic_url\">"