ad_custom_list db user_id item_group item_set item_type target_url custom_url { new_string "new view" }What it does:
Generates the html fragment for choosing, editing and creating user customized dataDefined in: /web/philip/packages/acs-core/table-display-procs.tcl
Source code:
util_dbq {item_group item_type} set items [database_to_tcl_list $db "select item from user_custom where user_id = $user_id and item_type = $DBQitem_type and item_group = $DBQitem_group"] set break {} foreach item $items { if {[string compare $item_set $item] == 0} { append html "$break<strong>$item</strong> (<a href=\"$custom_url$item\">edit</a>)" } else { append html "$break<a href=\"$target_url$item\">$item</a>" } set break " | " } append html "$break (<a href=\"${custom_url}CreateNewCustom\">$new_string</a>)\n" return $html