ad_conn whichWhat it does:
Returns a property about the connection. See the request processor documentation for a list of allowable values.Defined in: /web/philip/packages/acs-core/request-processor-procs.tcl
Source code:
global ad_conn switch $which { url - file - full_url - canonical_url - browser_id - session_id - user_id - token - deferred_dml { if { [info exists ad_conn($which)] } { return $ad_conn($which) } else { return "" } } extension { if { [info exists ad_conn(file)] } { return [file extension $ad_conn(file)] } else { return "" } } } error "ad_conn $which is invalid: argument must be one of url, file, canonical_url, browser_id, session_id, last_visit, user_id, token, deferred_dml, or extension"