
one of the documented procedures in this installation of the ACS
ad_comments_on_static_new_stuff   db   since_when   only_from_new_users_p   purpose
What it does:
Produces a report for the site administrator and also a compressed version for random surfers and email summary recipients
Defined in: /web/philip/tcl/ad-new-stuff.tcl

Source code:

    if { $only_from_new_users_p == "t" } {
	set users_table "users_new"
    } else {
	set users_table "users"
    set n_bytes_to_show 750
    set query "select comments.comment_id, dbms_lob.getlength(comments.message) as n_message_bytes, dbms_lob.substr(comments.message,$n_bytes_to_show,1) as message_intro, comments.rating, comments.comment_type, posting_time, comments.originating_ip, users.user_id, first_names || ' ' || last_name as name, comments.page_id, sp.url_stub, sp.page_title, nvl(sp.page_title,sp.url_stub) as page_title_anchor, client_file_name, html_p, file_type, original_width, original_height, caption
from static_pages sp, comments_not_deleted comments, $users_table users
where sp.page_id = comments.page_id
and users.user_id = comments.user_id
and posting_time > '$since_when'
order by comment_type, posting_time desc"
    set result_items ""
    set last_comment_type ""
    set selection [ns_db select $db $query]
    while { [ns_db getrow $db $selection] } {
	if { $n_message_bytes > $n_bytes_to_show } {
	    set ellipses " ..."
	} else {
	    set ellipses ""
	# truncation within Oracle might have left open HTML tags; let's close them
	set message_intro_cleaned "[util_close_html_tags $message_intro]$ellipses"
	switch $purpose {
	    web_display {
		if { $comment_type == "alternative_perspective" } {
		    append result_items "<li>by <a href=\"/shared/community-member?[export_url_vars user_id]\">$name</a>
on <a href=\"$url_stub\">$page_title_anchor</a>:
[format_static_comment $comment_id $client_file_name $file_type $original_width $original_height $caption $message_intro_cleaned $html_p]
	    site_admin { 
		if { $comment_type != $last_comment_type } {
		    append result_items "<h4>$comment_type</h4>\n"
		    set last_comment_type $comment_type
		append result_items "<li>[util_AnsiDatetoPrettyDate $posting_time]: "
		if { ![empty_string_p $rating] } {
		    append result_items "$rating -- "
		append result_items "[format_static_comment $comment_id $client_file_name $file_type $original_width $original_height $caption $message_intro_cleaned $html_p]
-- <a href=\"/admin/users/one?user_id=$user_id\">$name</a> 
from $originating_ip
on <a href=\"/admin/static/page-summary?[export_url_vars page_id]\">$url_stub</a>"
                if ![empty_string_p $page_title] {
		    append result_items " ($page_title) "
		append result_items "&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href=\"/admin/comments/persistent-edit?[export_url_vars comment_id]\" target=working>edit</a> &nbsp; &nbsp;  <a href=\"/admin/comments/delete?[export_url_vars comment_id page_id]\" target=working>delete</a>
	    email_summary {
		if { $comment_type == "alternative_perspective" } {
		    # make sure to have space after URL so mail REGEXPs will offer users hyperlinks
		    append result_items "by $name on [ad_url]$url_stub :
[wrap_string [ns_striphtml $message_intro]]$ellipses

    # we have the result_items or not
    if { $purpose == "email_summary" } {
	return $result_items
    } elseif { ![empty_string_p $result_items] } {
	return "<ul>\n\n$result_items\n</ul>\n"
    } else {
	return ""