Not part of the ACS release yet; will be included in 4.0 release.
If you want to know more about what LDAP is, I've actually written up something about it.
The first time we see a particular user id, we query the LDAP server for email, name and other information and create a row in the users table with this information, including the LDAP user id. When this is done the first time, we needn't do it again. We know who it is just by the LDAP user id and authenticate it using the LDAP bind function.
There's a Java procedure to call when a user logs in:
String login(String url, String base, String email, String password)The URL is the LDAP server to use (e.g. ldap://; the base is the node where searches start (e.g. dc=arsdigita, dc=com); email and password are obvious.
What it does is: Query the LDAP server to find the entry with the given email address. If there's any number but exactly one, we refuse to log the user in. Otherwise, we try to bind against the entry using the password. If we fail, we refuse to log the user in.
Now we know the identity (DN) of the authenticated user, but we haven't looked at our database yet. We do this now, by looking up by DN. If there already is a row, we synchronize that row with the new attribute values that we just got from the LDAP (depending on configuration). If there's no row, it means this is a new user, so we insert a row for him, filling in all the values we're configured to grab from the LDAP server.