The bulkmail system is not fully documented yet. This is a placeholder document. Below are some working notes about configuring and using the system.
[instructions here for configuring qmail to listen on N TCP ports]
[instructions should include what config files need to be set to allow mail relaying, plus how to configure test mailers which deliver all mail to a local filesystem] Configuring qmail bounce handling for use with the Bulkmail module For each mailer host, qmail configuration files need to be edited as follows:
|touch "/web/hostname/mail/bounce/$EXT4@`date +%Y%mm%dd%HH%MM%SS`"
[ns/server/hostname/acs/bulkmail] ; the template for the bounce (sender) address BulkmailSenderAddress=email-return-$ ; the template for the reply-to address BulkmailReplyAddress=email-reply-$
as root: ps -ef | grep qmail-send | grep -v grep | perl -n -a -e 'print "kill -HUP $F[1]\n"' | bashman -M /var/qmail/man dot-qmail
p: You need to cd to /service, and then issue a '/usr/local/bin/svc -d' where instance is qmail, qmail2 or qmail3
above can be used to
trigger a script which runs on any mail to the address "".
An example unsubscribe perl script is shown below.
The script below should be invoked via the following qmail alias file:
Create the file /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-hostname-email-reply-default
containing the line
|/web/yourserver/bin/ "$EXT4"This will ensure that the script gets passed the VERP code if there is one that the message was generated with, which is the most reliable way to figure out the user_id (and email address) the mail was sent to in the first place.
#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # Unsubscribe the user or users in an email message from all newsletters # # # # If bulkmail VERP keycode arg is supplied, that user is unsubscribed, otherwise # parses out the From header and unsubscribes the user from all newsletters # (actually, removes them from any group of type 'newsletter'). # # Args: (optional) bulkmail encoded VERP key containing user_id # and raw message body on stdin # Oracle access $ENV{'ORACLE_HOME'} = "/ora8/m01/app/oracle/product/8.1.6"; $ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'} = "/ora8/m01/app/oracle/product/8.1.6/lib:/lib:/usr/lib"; $ENV{'ORACLE_BASE'} = "/ora8/m01/app/oracle"; $ENV{'ORACLE_SID'} = "ora8"; $VERP_code = shift; $mailer = "/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject"; use DBI; use Mail::Address; require Mail::Send; ################################################################ # Global Definitions # For sending email error message replies back to member $mailer = "/usr/lib/sendmail"; $return_address = "webmaster\"; $maintainer = "webmaster\"; $an_system_url = ""; $DEBUG = 1; $debug_logfile = "/web/yourwebserver/log/unsubscribe.log"; if ($DEBUG) { open (LOG, ">>$debug_logfile"); debug("================================================================\n"); debug(`/bin/date`); } $db_datasrc = 'dbi:Oracle:'; $db_user = 'YOURDBUSER; $db_passwd = 'YOURDBPASSWD'; ################################################################# ## Snarf down incoming msg on STDIN ################################################################# # extract From: header while (<>) { $in_header = 1 .. /^$/; if ($in_header) { if (/^From:.*([\s<]\S+\@\S+[>\s])/ || /^Subject:.*([\s<]\S+\@\S+[>\s])/) { $line = $1; @from = Mail::Address->parse($line); $from_address = $from[0]->address; last; } } } debug("VERP code = $VERP_code\n"); # open the database connection $dbh = DBI->connect($db_datasrc, $db_user, $db_passwd) || die "Couldn't connect to database"; $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 1; if ($VERP_code eq "") { $user_id = get_user_id_from_email($from_address); } else { $user_id = decode_verp_key($VERP_code); } debug("user id = $user_id\n"); if ($user_id ne "") { $real_email = get_email_from_user_id($user_id); $err = unsubscribe_user($user_id); debug("unsubscribing user_id $user_id, email=$real_email, err=$err\n"); if ($err eq "") { send_email($real_email, $return_address, "Unsubscribed $real_email from newsletters", "The account with email address $real_email has been unsubscribed from all newsletters on\n"); } else { send_email($real_email, $return_address, "Error unsubscribing from newsletters", "There was an error processing your unsubscribe request. Please contact webmaster\ It would be helpful to forward an original copy of the newsletter you are trying to unsubscribe from. Thank you. \n"); } } # All done $dbh->disconnect; if ($DEBUG) { close LOG; } sub debug () { my ($msg) = @_; print LOG $msg; } # Remove user from all newsletters # args: user_id sub unsubscribe_user () { my ($id) = @_; $query = "delete from user_group_map where user_id = $id and group_id in (select group_id from user_groups where group_type = 'newsletter')"; $sth= $dbh->prepare($query) || return $dbh->errstr; $sth->execute || return $dbh->errstr; $sth->finish; return; } # take an email addr, return a user_id sub get_user_id_from_email () { my ($email) = @_; # SQL quotify ($QQemail = $email) =~ s/\'/''/g; $h = $dbh->prepare(qq[SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE lower(email) = lower('$QQemail')]); if (!$h->execute()) { die "Unable to execute query in send_error_reply:\n" . $dbh->errstr; } $id = $h->fetchrow; $h->finish; return ($id); } sub get_email_from_user_id () { my ($id) = @_; $h = $dbh->prepare(qq[SELECT email FROM users WHERE user_id = $id]); if (!$h->execute()) { die "Unable to execute query in send_error_reply:\n" . $dbh->errstr; } $email = $h->fetchrow; $h->finish; return ($email); } ################################################################ # decode_verp_key(key) # # Decode the user_id from a bulkmail VERP key # # ################################################################ # regexp -nocase {([0-9]+)A([0-9]+)B([0-9]+)} $user_content match bulkmail_id user_id time sub decode_verp_key () { my ($key) = @_; my ($bulkmail_id,$user_id,$nstime); # key was generated by /tcl/bulkmail-utils ($bulkmail_id, $user_id, $nstime) = ($key =~ /^(\d+)A(\d+)B(\d+)C(\d+)$/i); return ($user_id); } ################################################################ # send_email (recipient, sender, subject, body) ################################################################ sub send_email () { my ($recipient, $sender, $subject, $body) = @_; open(MAIL, "|$mailer $recipient -f$sender") || die "Cannot open: '$mailer'\n"; print MAIL "To: $recipient\nFrom: $sender\nSubject: $subject\n\n$body\n"; close(MAIL); }