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I have installed the ACS on lcsweb36.lcs and get the following error when I attempt to log in (accessing http://lcsweb36.lcs/register/user-login.tcl?
Tcl script failed
can't use non-numeric string as operand of "&&" while executing "if { [ad_parameter UsersTableContainsConvertedUsersP] && $converted_p == "t" } { # we have a user who never actively registered; he or she was ..." (file "/web/student36/www/register/user-login.tcl" line 55) invoked from within "source $script" invoked from within "if ![file exists $script] { ns_returnnotfound $conn } else { source $script }" (procedure "ns_sourceproc" line 3) invoked from within "ns_sourceproc cns13 {}"For further assistance, contact the server administrator.
-- Richard Tibbetts, September 24, 1999
If you notice the procedure that is called before the bogus "&&" error message, you will see that the system is trying to fetch a value for "UsersTableContainsConvertedUsersP". This means that you have not completely configured your (ACS) ini file. Go look at /web/studentXX/parameters/studentXX.iniRead the installation instructions for the ACS,
-- Jesse Koontz, September 24, 1999